FMMS-Hurricane Florence Update 4 Created by on 9/14/2018 1:33:44 PM

Dear FMMS 2018 Registrant,
FMMS 2018 is a go! We have been in contact with all three confirmed keynotes: Mr. Mark W. Honecker, SES; Executive Director and Chief of Staff, U.S. Fleet Forces Command; VADM Thomas Moore, USN; Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; and VADM Michael McAllister, USCG; Deputy Commandant for Mission Support. All three have re-affirmed their intent to speak at FMMS 2018. Even the golf tournament is on, as golf tournament chair Ed Goodin writes:
"Hurricane Florence seems to have spared the Hampton Roads area. I am happy (relieved) to report that our golf tournament is still a GO. The Monday forecast is presently scattered showers with a 40% chance of rain. That has been improving daily."
Storms are unpredictable and we continue to monitor activity closely. Safety of our attendees is and will remain our top priority. Should there be any risk to safety necessitating a change in plan, we will communicate with all registrants as quickly as possible via email, text message, social media, ASNE website, and the FMMS app. To help us communicate effectively with you, we encourage you to check and update, as needed, your email address and/or mobile number. To review and update your contact information, please log in to:
ASNE's social media feeds can be found at:
For other FMMS agenda updates, please refer to the FMMS app. To download the FMMS app, search on "ASNE" in the iOS App Store or Google Play, or visit With the app installed, you can then opt to "Join" the FMMS event. There is no cost for the ASNE app, but users are prompted to create a username and password, separate from that which you use on the ASNE website.
If you have any questions for ASNE, please contact us at:
American Society of Naval Engineers | 703-836-6727
1452 Duke St | Alexandria, VA 22314
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing you in Virginia Beach next week.

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