1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone (703) 836-6727
Fax (703) 836-7491
Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org


ASNE is the leading professional engineering society for engineers, scientists and allied professionals who conceive, design, develop, test, construct, outfit, operate and maintain complex naval and maritime ships, submarines and aircraft and their associated systems and subsystems.  ASNE also serves the educators who train the professionals, researchers who develop related technology, and students who are preparing for the profession.  Society activities provide support for the U.S. Navy; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Marine Corps; U.S. Merchant Marine and U.S. Army.

ASNE is the seventh oldest technical society in the United States.  It was founded in 1888 by a group of naval engineering pioneers, most of them officers of the U.S. Navy's Engineering Corps, who sought a unified approach to their profession in order to make the most of new advances in technology. The purposes of ASNE are:           

  • to advance the knowledge and practice of naval engineering in public and private applications and operations,
  • to enhance the professionalism and well-being of members, and
  • to promote naval engineering as a career field.

For 125 years, the Society’s objectives have been strengthened and preserved to meet the changing needs of a time-honored profession. Today ASNE conducts a variety of technical meetings and symposia, publishes the highly regarded Naval Engineers Journal and a number of other technical proceedings and publications, and fosters professional development and technical information exchange through technical committees, local section activities and cooperative efforts with government organizations and other professional societies.

The Society's annual meeting, ASNE Day, is typically held in February of each year in the Washington, DC, area. The meeting features major addresses by high level industry and government leaders and panel discussions by leading members of the profession.  It also includes presentation and discussion of technical papers on a variety of timely naval engineering topics, presentation of the Society's prestigious annual awards and a large exposition with government and industry exhibits covering the full spectrum of naval engineering technology. ASNE Day is highlighted by the Society’s annual Honors Gala, attended by hundreds of executives and senior managers from both government and industry.

Our website is designed to not only serve our members, but also to support scholars, students and others interested in the varied field of naval engineering.  We welcome your suggestions on ways we can improve your experience. 

Essential Tools

Discover the vast array and convenience of resources at your fingertips, including:

  • All ASNE members receive a subscription to the prestigious Naval Engineers Journal (NEJ). The NEJ is a quarterly, peer reviewed technical journal that presents the latest in research and technology. It is a leading source of information on the full range of naval engineering subjects and provides a prominent forum for authors to publish their work for further use by the profession.
  • Online Access to the NEJ 
  • Networking with top-ranking leaders and professionals in the naval engineering and maritime community
  • Great discounts on symposia, professional development courses, and proceedings
  • When available, free PDH for attendance at our symposia, courses and some on-demand learning opportunities.

Knowledge Central

Members have access to over 134 years of back-issues of the Naval Engineers Journal, and access to technical and social forums.

Professional Networking

All ASNE members have access to the Society’s online job database. It is an easy, one stop site for employers and employees interested specifically in naval engineering fields and specialties. 

Companies can either post their job vacancies, or they can review prospective employees’ resumes. The site also presents employees with the option to create their own job bank, post a resume or to search for potential job opportunities in their desired field. ASNE encourages student members to post their resumes, providing a valuable resource for internships and entry-level position fulfillment.

Exceptional Learning Experiences

The Society provides members with a host of exciting opportunities to broaden professional knowledge: 

National Symposia

ASNE sponsors numerous technical symposia providing its members with an opportunity to gain exposure to distinguished naval engineering professionals and to enhance their knowledge base. Topics can include, but are not limited to combat systems, logistics, ship design, fleet maintenance, naval aviation, human systems engineering, electronic engineering, the environment and other important issues. 

Vibrant Communities

ASNE’s Sections provide members with a professional development and networking opportunity at the local level. Many of the Society’s sections offer informal monthly meetings providing a venue for presentations and networking opportunities relevant to local/regional activities and organizations.

Join ASNE's Facebook Group or find us on LinkedIn


ASNE Award Program - Every year ASNE presents the following coveted achievement awards honoring individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the naval engineering field.

Student & Young Engineer Support - One of the Society’s priorities is to support students considering a career in naval engineering or currently enrolled in an academic program.

ASNE's Scholarship Program - ASNE's Scholarship Program was established to improve and promote the profession of naval engineering. The Society’s goal is to encourage college students to enter the field of naval engineering and to provide valuable support to naval engineers seeking advanced education in the field. 

Additional Membership Benefits

  • Opportunities for direct participation on committees 
  • Opportunity to publish technical papers and monographs 
  • Volunteer Opportunities 
  • Liaison with other engineering societies
  • ASNE Emblematics