1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone (703) 836-6727
Fax (703) 836-7491
Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org

  • About ISS 2021
  • Agenda
  • Registration
  • Sponsor
  • Call for Papers
  • Technical Requirements

About ISS XIV - 2021 Intelligent Ships Symposium XIV


On April 28-29, 2021, ASNE hosted the biennial conference Intelligent Ships Symposium (ISS)! The Intelligent Ships Symposium brings the professional naval engineering community together to present the latest technological advancements from keynote speakers, technical presentations and expert panels comprised of subject matter experts and leaders from academia, industry, and government. ISS is generally held in Philadelphia, PA, but due to current COVID-19 restrictions, ISS 2021 will be virtual. The ISS Planning Committee is busy creating an engaging 2 day virtual agenda. The emphasis of this year's symposium will be on recent advances in Intelligent Systems and the challenges that lie ahead for the next generation of Intelligent ships.

For assistance or event questions, please email: virtualevents@navalengineers.org or call ASNE HQ at 703-836-6727.
Questions for the Intelligent Ships Symposium Committee? Please email: ISS@navalengineers.org

  **All times listed in EDT. Agenda within Boomset will adjust to your regional time zone. Agenda subject to change.

Virtual Intelligent Ships Symposium XIV (ISS) 2021 Attendee Registration

Late registration is now in effect
Click here for late registration

REGISTRATION RATES - Register early and save:

Late registration now in effect

• ASNE Member: $125
• ASNE Non-Member: $225
• ASNE Non-Member, Join ASNE & Attend: $270
• Accepted Technical Paper Author (ASNE Member): $125
• Accepted Technical Paper Author (ASNE Non-Member): $150
• U.S. Federal Government Employee (non-contractor): $125
• U.S. Federal Government Employee, Join ASNE & Attend: $175
Please note: Government employees are defined as active-duty U.S. military, or civil service U.S. federal government employees.
• Full-Time Undergraduate or K-12 Student: $0
• Press and Media (with credentials), please email ASNE HQ by April 26, 2021 to register.


Young Professional Naval Engineers

Complimentary Registration to attend our special Young Professional / Women STEM Advocates Mentoring Roundtable Session. ASNE is continuing its Young Professional Mentoring Roundtable Discussion featuring a lineup of inspirational women STEM Advocates, Pioneers, Trailblazers & Role Models. Janie Mines, USNA '80; Barbette Lowndes, USNA '80; Stefanie Goebel, USNA '80; LCDR Rebecca Shaw, NOAA, USNA '09; LT Shuntiyea Langston, USN, USNA '16; Moderator: Heidi Lenzini, USNA '95. They will share their mentoring and role model experiences and answer your questions. Join us and don't miss this amazing opportunity.


LATE Registration Rates goes into effect April 27th at Noon ET NOW IN EFFECT!

• ASNE Member: $175
• ASNE Non-Member: $275
• U.S. Federal Government Employee (non-contractor): $125

Technical Requirements to Participate

The virtual platform is hosted by Boomset.com. Attendees can participate via a computer/laptop using a web browser (WEB User), or a mobile device using an app (APP User). Web Users are required to use Google Chrome (preferred) or Microsoft Edge. App Users need to download/have the app "Event App by Boomset." For further details on technical requirements to participate, please review: Virtual Technical Specifications

*IMPORTANT for our US Government / Military Attendees: Government computers’ security (firewalls, VPN, netwarcom, etc. ) may not allow live streaming of our virtual course. The only alternative is the use of a personal computer or personal device (phone or tablet) using the Boomset event app.

Event Invitation

24 hours prior to the kick-off date, an invitation to join virtual ISS will be emailed (from Boomset platform) with a personal access link to the symposium. This is your entrance pass so whitelisting the Boomset domain and removing filtering in email may be needed. Please also check Spam or junk mail if you expected the registration email and it was not received.  

Click here for late registration

Questions: Please contact ASNE at virtualevents@navalengineers.org or (703) 836-6727.

Intelligent Ships Symposium XIV Virtual Exhibit Hall and Sponsorship Opportunities

Intelligent Ship Sympoisum (ISS) XIV has many opportunities to showcase our sponsors up front and center stage. We can highlight your company on our event home page, within a live-streaming session, sponsor of a public chat with your company logo, video commercials and more. Plus be part of our Virtual Exhibit Hall, providing attendees a professional 'state of the art' exhibit hall to engage, network, chat, and even video one-on-one with your staff. ISS Sponsorship offerings include virtual exhibit space. Just want to exhibit? No problem, space can be solely purchased. With our Virtual Exhibit Hall, you can showcase products/services with video demonstrations, photos, and virtual literature. Exhibitors can engage and connect with attendees through robust features and complimentary lead retrieval. The Exhibit Hall is open every day, including special mid-day exhibit hall engagement times build into the agenda.

For available ISS sponsorship and exhibit hall opportunities, please download the ISS Sponsor Application and return to Sponsorships@navalengineers.org

For assistance, questions: Please email Sponsorships@navalengineers.org or call ASNE HQ 703-836-6727.

Call for Papers is now CLOSED!

The American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) 2021 Intelligent Ships Symposium is accepting abstract submissions for technical papers and presentations. ISSXIV is scheduled for April 28-29, 2021.

The Intelligent Ships Symposium is a biennial conference that brings the professional naval engineering community together in Philadelphia (unless the need to go virtual) to present the latest technological advancements from keynote speakers, technical presentations and expert panels comprised of subject matter experts and leaders from academia, industry, and government. This collaborative event will focus on engineering advances in intelligent ship systems to improve the Navy's war fighting advantage.

Potential paper topics include:

  • Cybersecurity / Information Assurance
  • Energy Storage
  • System Architectures
  • Automated Failure Recovery
  • Thermal Management
  • Modeling & Simulation (M&S)
  • Variable Speed Drives
  • Propulsion Systems
  • Auxiliary Shipboard Systems
  • Machinery Automation
  • Power Systems & Distribution
  • Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
  • Modular Design
  • Maintenance (Condition-based, Robotics, etc.)
  • Control Systems & Control System Sustainment
  • Modernization Systems Engineering
  • Life Support & Ship Habitability Systems
  • Distance Support & Logistics Technologies
  • Systems Engineering

Abstract submission:
One page, 250 word maximum abstracts should be submitted in MS Word format or Adobe Acrobat as an attachment to an email to ISS@navalengineers.org by January 15, 2021. All papers must be cleared for public release (Distro A).

Abstracts must include:

  • Proposed Title
  • Authors’ Name(s) and Organization(s)
  • Written description in sufficient detail for review by the Papers Committee, including an introduction, outline of key points, and conclusions.
  • Abstract’s Primary Point of Contact:
    • Mailing address
    • Phone number
    • Email address

Important Dates:

  • January 15, 2021 - Abstracts Due
  • February 6, 2021 - Author Notification
  • March 28, 2021- Final Papers and Copyright Due (Access Copyright Form)

For complete details, view/download the ISS Call for Papers Info Flyer

Direct questions and abstracts to: ISS@navalengineers.org

Technical Requirements to Participate

ASNE's Virtual Symposia are orchestrated and powered by Boomset.com. Make sure you can participate by reviewing the Technical Requirements: click here for Technical Requirements

*IMPORTANT for our US Government / Military Attendees - Government computers' security (firewalls, VPN, netwarcom, etc.) do not allow live streaming of our virtual event. The only alternative is the use of a personal computer or personal device (phone or tablet) and the Boomset event app. When registering, please use a personal email address or provide an alternative email address to our Virtual Events team to ensure symposium related emails are not filtered and/or blocked.

Please contact ASNE at virtualevents@navalengineers.org or (703) 836-6727.

Thank you to our sponsors!