Goal Based Standards and Their Application - webinar cancelled
Course Title: Goal Based Standards and Their Application
Instructor: CAPT Rich Delpizzo, USNR (Ret.)
Location: Webinar
Course Sponsored by: 
Date: 29 March 2016
Time: 1400 - 1500
Instructor Bio: Richard Delpizzo has worked in both the naval and commercial maritime industries for over 30 years, and is the Manager for Government Operations and Global Gas Solutions at American Bureau of Shipping. He chairs both the SNAME Ship’s Machinery Committee and Panel M-45 on Fuel Cells, and serves as Classification Society Representative to the ISO Subcommittee on Marine Machinery and Piping Systems (ISO TC8/SC3); He has served as the Chair of the ASNE Professional Development Committee since 2013. A retired Captain in the US Navy Reserve, he represents ABS in both the Naval Ship Classification Association (Chair) and International Naval Safety Association (Steering Committee), and was a contributor to the newly released ABS International Naval Ship Guide (INSG). Rich held an Engineer’s license in the U.S. Merchant Marine, and is a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.
Course Description:
Our current environment of ever-increasing computational speeds, along with complex analytical methods available to designers, has resulted in many new, novel approaches to ship design, on both a system scale as well as overall arrangement of the marine platform. In this changing maritime design world, the traditional approach of prescriptive-based standards is proving more and more challenging to apply. As a result, attention has recently been given to the increased use of a goal-based philosophy over technical standards, rules and regulations now used to govern the industry.
Goal-based standards (GBS) are high-level goals which are stated in order to provide overall guidance for the development of standards. Typical GBS contains multi-layers, or tiers, that provide greater detailed information as one goes from one level to the next. In essence, GBS are intended for developers of standards, not the standard itself. Once the standard is created, designers will then apply it to their marine product.
This webinar will provide a broad overview of Goal Based Standards, and discuss current examples such as NATO’s Naval Ship Code (ANEP 77).
1. Define Goal Based Standards (GBS), and provide a broad overview of their principal characteristics.
2. Provide examples of the application of GBS philosophy.
Audience: Introductory (100 Level) – Learner requires little knowledge of this topic area
Enrollment Fee:
Member - complimentary
Non-Member - $50
Please contact ASNE Senior Education Manager, Ms. Erica Smedley Cox, at (703) 836-6727 or ecox@navalengineers.org
*Please make sure to read the Terms and Conditions. Undergraduate students may be eligible for a reduced rate.