About Us
Welcome to the ASNE Central Gulf Coast Section! Thank you for your interest in ASNE. For your information, the current leadership of the Section is as follows:
Chairman: Mr. Edward Eastlack, edward@eastlackconsulting.com
Vice Chairman - Eastern Ops: Mr. Terry Mannion, terry.mannion@prodigy.net
Vice Chairman - Western Ops: Mr. Martin Macias, Martin.Macias@fmdefense.com
Secretary / Treasurer: Mr. Danny Brown, dbrown@hillercompanies.com
Cole Louviere (Central Ops Assistant) colelouviere@gmail.com
Warren Ross (Eastern Ops Assistant) warrenrross39@gmail.com
TBD (Western Ops Assistant)
Board Members:
Mr. Juan Lizarraga, jlizarra@millinglaw.com
Mr. Krishna Karri, krishnamkarri@gmail.com
Webmaster: TBD
UNO Student Liaison: Mr. Dugan Ewelt-McAuliffe, dugandem@gmail.com
SNAME Liaison: Mr. Chris Townsend, dugandem@gmail.com
Note: Your participation in our Section activities is welcomed and encouraged. If you have ideas for meetings or presentation topics, please contact any of the above individuals. Thanks in advance for your interest, support, and participation in ASNE!