Panel Discussion
Zero Maintenance Concepts in Use Today
CAPT John Ingram, USN
Commanding Officer, SUPSHIP Bath
Industry Representatives
Jerry Fanucci
KaZak Composites
Roland Doktor
Warren Pumps
Chris Long
General Dynamics, Decision Systems
John Hamilton
Manager, Towed Array Handling Equipment Depot, NUWC
Dave Schreder
CAE Marine Systems
The purpose of this panel discussion is to hear how other non-navy shipbuilding industries are applying Zero Maintenance principles. Emphasis is on practical, real world examples from the manufacture of component(s) to system-level integration on platforms. The discussion will be reasonably unconstrained so we don't inadvertently discard a "good idea" that, at first blush, may sound totally unrelated to the design of warships.
Panel Discussion
Zero Maintenance - Definition
CAPT Dave Lewis, USN
Shipbuilding Director, PMS400D
Tim Allen
Chris McDonald
General Dynamics, Bath Iron Works
Eric Jones
General Dynamics, Electric Boat
Vince Caccese, Ph.D., PE
University of Maine
Bill Dawson
Raytheon Company
The objective of this session is to clearly define what is meant by a Zero Maintenance approach. Session participants will work to define what a zero maintenance approach includes and, perhaps more importantly, what it does not. The scope of a Zero Maintenance paradigm will be delineated (e.g,, corrective maintenance allowed but not planned, differences between maintenance actions and 'housekeeping', etc.).
"Where Do We Need Zero Maintenance Solutions?"
Tim Bassett
Panel Members
CDR Dave Brodeur, USN
NSSF New London
John Edic
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Karl Hasslinger
General Dynamics, Electric Boat
CAPT Jim Wilkins III, USN
U.S. Navy Salvage & Diving (SEA 00C)
The purpose of this panel is to hear the Fleet and maintenance providers' perspectives. From the Fleet, this will presumably be a listing of what the dollar drivers are, and/or where labor intensive maintenance requirements are consuming too many sailor-hours. This perspective captures two of the major reasons for approaching Zero Maintenance (reduced O&MN dollars, and reduced crew size), so, we need to give them the opportunity to give us their vision of where maintenance efforts should be focused.
The Intermediate and Depot level maintenance providers should provide insight into what real "maintenance nightmares" they have experienced in the execution of planned and corrective maintenance.
"Technologies to Support Zero Maintenance"
RADM Millard Firebaugh, USN (Ret.)
General Dyamics, Electric Boat
Academia Rep
Dr. Ken Reifsnider
University of Connecticut
Naval Rep
CDR Tim McCoy, USN
Associate Proffesor Of Naval Construction, MIT
Vendor Reps
John M. Burdick
Inframat, Inc.
Bill Nickerson
Jim Woodard
Warren Pumps
Dr. Bob Lowell
General Dynamics, Electric Boat
The objective of this session is to provide the audience with a broad overview of the types of technologies that will support a Zero Maintenance design. Technologists from DoD, industry, and academia will discuss new and emerging technologies and trends that can be used to change the way we design and operate our ships. Focus will be on new technologies (e.g., composites, coatings, MEMS / Nano Technologies, electric drive, EMHs / EMAs, etc), advanced monitoring and prognostic systems, automation, and / or processes and procedures that can enable a Zero Maintenance program.