Technical Papers - Track 8
Angela Gallimore, "Energy Cost Savings and Implementation of the Collective Protection System Variable Speed Drive (CPS VSD) Control System."
Pre- and post- installation energy monitoring of a variable-speed drive on the collective protection system of a U.S. Navy destroyer demonstrated that the system produced an actual energy savings of 62 percent over a one-year period. Key features of the design of the controls system, the shipboard installation and modernization process, and shipboard test results including energy consumption and lessons learned are discussed.
Aaron Windecker and Matthew V. Frank, "Operations and Maintenance Improvement Opportunities for DDG 51 Class HVAC Systems"
Optimizing the energy efficiency of the HVAC system will reduce fuel consumption both underway and in port, and by reducing equipment run hours will reduce maintenance needs and improve system reliability. An overview of the current state of HVAC systems on board DDG-51 Class ships is presented, describing current interventions that make use of currently installed equipment to improve the operations by changing how the ship’s crew manages the HVAC system.