1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1 Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Phone (703) 836-6727 Fax (703) 836-7491 Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org
J. Carey Filling, CSC Symposium Chairman
Plenary Session Engineering and Acquiring the Sea Base
Moderators: RADM Charles S. Hamilton, II, USN Program Executive Officer for Ships RADM Paul E. Sullivan, USN Deputy Commander; Ship Design, Integration & Engineering (NAVSEA 05)
Session 1 Sea Basing Challenge
Moderator: Eric Vorst
Sea Basing Logistics Concept of Operations LCDR Frank Futcher USN, Will Macht, CAPT Jim Stewart USN
Seabasing Systems of Systems Modeling and Simulation Tobin McNatt, George Hazen,CDRMarkNichols,USN(Ret.)
Join Seabasing - Concept of Operations and Analytical Framework RADM Thomas F. Marfiak USN (Ret.), R. Robinson Harris
Session 2 Enabling Technologies - Cargo Transfer
Moderator: Robert Keane
Spar Technology as a Seabasing Enabler Mark Selfridge
Improved Navy Lighterage System - WaterjetSelectionProcess Richard Boardman, Robert Verbeek
Application of Heavy Lift Ship Technology to Expeditionary Logistics/Seabasing Mark Selfridge, Dr. Colen Kennell
Session 3 Sea Basing R&D
Moderator: TBD Ed Comstock
MPF(F) R&D Arthur Rausch, Martin Fink, Amber Huffman Robert Evans, Dr. Richard Kelly
An Investigation of the Comparative Costs of High Speed Sealift versus Airlift Dr. Colen Kennell, Matthew Williamson, Chris Broadbent
Seabasing Science and Technology, Research and Development Roadmap Patrick Spring, William Thompson, Dr. James S. Taylor
Session 4 Enabling Technologies - Cargo Transfer
Moderator: CF Snyder
Reduction of Cargo Pendulation of Ship-Mounted Cranes Using a Three-Degree of Freedom Actuator Saroj Biswas, Qing Dong
The Impact of Sea Basing on Underway Replenishment Marvin Miller, George Lyon, John Combs
Man/Hardware-in-the-Loop Testbed of Cargo Transfer Operations at Sea Dr. W. Thomas Zhao, Frank Leban
Plenary Session Sea Base - Operations
Moderator: VADM James F. Amerault, USN (Ret.) Vice President for Fleet Support, JJMA
CAPT Richard Gray, USN (invited) Naval Warfare Development Command CDR Mark Becker, USN OPNAV N-703 LTCOL Larry Ryder, USMC Marine Corps Combat Development Command CAPT Fred McKenna, USN SECOND Fleet
Session 5 High Speed Connectors
Moderator: Steve Melsom
Sea Based Connector Study - A Dozen Concepts to Explore the Design Space Jeff Hough, Steven Wiley, Bob Scher, Jonathan Applequist
Assessing the Sea Base System Dave Helgerson, Steven Wynn
Flying Wing Advanced Logistics Delivery System (ALDS) Geoff Hope, Dr. Colen Kennell
Session 6 Operations Management
Moderator: John Tuttle
Shipboard Energy Monitoring and Control System Stephen Chen
Determination of the Safe Operational Limits for HSV-2 SWIFT Utilizing Full Scale and Tests and Trials LCDR Quinten King, USN; Carl Casamassina; TomBrady; BobBachman
Diagnostic and Prognostic Health Monitoring of Chillers on-board Naval Vessels Dr. Nicholas Propes, Dr. Ash Thakker, Dr. George Vachtsevanos, Thom Galie, Matt Franks
Session 7 High Speed Connectors
Moderator: Mark Bebar
NPS - High Speed Assault Connector Concept LT Derek T. Peterson, USN, Dave Olwell
The 112M Wave Piercing Catamaran Sea Frame Gary Davidson, Tim Roberts, Darren Savoye
PACSCAT - A Possible Seabasing Connector Solution? John Lewthwaite
Innovative Structures for High Speed Ships: CISD's Lightweight, Total Ship Architecture, Design Concepts Innovation Cell Ryszard Piskorski, Bob Scher, Bob Keane, Pat Cahill
Session 8 C4I for the Sea Base
Moderator: Tom Schubert
NPS - Seabasing and Joint Expeditionary Logistics Study CDR Brent Foster, USN, Fostis Papoulias
IP-Encapsulated Global Broadband Telecommunications At Sea Via Commercial X-Band Satellite Tim Richard, Jeff Gardiner
Unique Identification (UID) and asset Visibility Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Jane Zimmerman, Robert Hampe
Session 9 Approaches
Moderator: Otto Jons
Future Commercial Ship Designs That Support Seabasing Douglas Rampersad, Henry Cook, Adan Muniz
Development of Technical Criteria for Sea Basing Systems Thomas Ingram, Richard Delpizzo
Use of Seaplanes and Integration within a Sea Base LCDR Russell Peters CF, Dr.Colen Kennell
Session 10 Approaches
Moderator: VADM James Amerault, USN (Ret.)
Seabasing - A Way Ahead RADM Bob Sprigg USN (ret)
Achieving some MPF(F) and Sebasing Capabilities through Conversion of Existing Hulls Michael Souza