Title: Gyro Stabilizer Foundations – Design Approaches and Lessons Learned
Authors: Andrew Edwards, Jeffrey Bowles
Abstract: As their popularity increases, gyroscopic stabilizers are being equipped on progressively more vessels – from small recreational vessels to military craft up to 150ft in length. They are especially applicable to high performance vessels, on which they offer distinct advantages over drag-producing stabilizer fins. Impressive roll reduction and control, improved passenger comfort, and enhanced crew proficiency are just some of the proven benefits provided by gyro stabilizers that have resulted in their high demand. With this demand comes opportunity for the engineer, who is tasked with ensuring not only that the gyro unit will fit in sometimes limited space, but that the large forces generated by the unit will be distributed safely into ship structure. Gyro stabilizers can be included during the design/construction of a new vessel, or be added during a refit, and can present unique engineering challenges.
This seminar will provide an overview of the design approaches and lessons learned in engineering gyro stabilizer foundations. Two methods of analysis will be introduced and discussed – first principle hand calculations, and finite element analysis (FEA) using computing software. The relative importance of vessel measurements, vessel drawings, and 3D modeling of the developed foundation will be discussed. Several case studies will be presented that highlight the various challenges encountered and offer potential solutions.