Title: Advanced Combatant Craft for Increased Affordability
Author: Scott M. Lewit
Abstract: A Navy funded SBIR program which developed an advanced combatant craft for increased affordability has led to several new innovative technologies that are providing benefits far beyond the targeted DoD platform. The SBIR and internally derived technology attracted a large commercial transportation OEM in the semi-trailer business along with several innovators in the recreational boat market. The larger commercial market facilitated significant non-DoD, commercial, and supply chain investments beyond the SBIR funding. These efforts have led to a new generation of lightweight recreational craft along with game changing technology for all-composite refrigerated semi-trailers and truck bodies. The technology has allowed for trailers and truck bodies that are more durable, up to 20% lighter and up to 20% more insulating than today’s state of the art aluminum construction. These commercial efforts have resulted in advanced low cost high performance composite technologies that can have significant impact on combatant craft and the broader DoD community allowing for more cost and performance optimized structures.
This MACC session will review the results of the Navy SBIR funded effort “Advanced Combatant Craft for Increased Affordability”. The session will show how government funded research can be used to advance technology to the mutual benefit of both commercial and DoD sectors. Specific technology insertion opportunities and timelines for the key technologies will be presented.