New Answers to Corrosion Protection on Various Substrates through Nano Chemistry
Vinay Patel, PhD and Edwin Theis
PROBLEM: Corrosion, by whatever cause, is pervasive, destructive and costly. Modifying or re-engineering protective coatings and surface preparation chemicals with nano-chemistry helps eliminate residual salts from cleaning, reduce VOCs and atmospheric pollutants; enhance protections by superior bonding to eliminate destructive atmospheres from contacting the substrates.
KEY POINTS: Nano-enhanced cleaners and surface preparations clean more deeply with safer chemical components, helping eliminate residual salts, making cleaning more complete, faster and safer. These nano engineered cleaners and surface preparation chemicals provide far better results than traditional acidic or alkaline cleaners without the physical hazards to man, facilities or the environment. Nano enhanced Cycloaliphatic Epoxy paint bonds integrally with a wide variety of surfaces and remains adhered through severe flexing, direct blows and scouring. They provide extremely hard, resilient, easily maintained and long lasting protection from corrosion for stationary shore installations and mobile facilities. (Includes video and physical demonstrations as well as lab testing reports) Nano enhanced water based corrosion conversion clear coats penetrate more deeply through surface rust/corrosion and bond to the substrate to eliminate air from surfaces, prevent further degradation of corroded surfaces and lock to original surface. Rusting does not reoccur unless abraded to bare metal. These clear coats may serve as primers for oil based or Epoxy paints where aesthetics are a concern and complete removal of rust/corrosion to bare metal are impractical. Water based nano chemistry fusion coatings provide clear, protective, and hydrophobic and oleophobic surfaces without adding weight or dimension to protect glass, acrylics, composites and other hard and soft surfaces from atmospheric degradation, soil accretion and minor abrasion. They facilitate subsequent cleaning by sealing minute faults in the surface. They should also be used as overcoats for traditional solid finishes to enhance appearance and facilitate cleaning. Various nano- components may be added to provide photocatalytic control of microbes and degradation of VOCs.
CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATIONS: Nano chemistry employed in protective finishes, proven in marine, aviation and stationary facilities, provide superior protection, reduce life of asset cost and improve bottom line by extending maintenance cycles, reducing personnel exposure to chemical hazards and extending asset life.