Title: A Next Generation Integrated Power System for Existing Naval Platforms
Author: Lee Kondor
Abstract: A Next Generation Integrated Power System (NGIPS) is considered an eventual necessity for surface combatants to support increased electrical demands for advanced effectors and sensors. For existing naval platforms with gas turbine or diesel propulsion engines, however, a generator retrofit has generally been considered unfeasible because of the limited space between watertight bulkheads.
This paper describes in detail how an NGIPS can be deployed on legacy platforms within the existing space limitations, using the Arleigh Burke class destroyer as an example. In terms of mission and quantity in the fleet, the Arleigh Burke class destroyer is one of the most likely platforms for an NGIPS. By using an innovative approach and currently available technology, an NGIPS can not only be deployed on this and other legacy platforms in the next 5 to 7 years, but also without significantly increasing the cost and weight of the ship.