Title: Lessons Learned from Addressing the Thermal Management Challenge with Silicone
Author: Robert Pressly
Abstract: The Thermal Management challenge remains a critical hurdle for designers of robust electronic, electrical and energy systems, and is expected intensify as operators desire faster, lighter, and more power throughput in future designs. Ten years ago, Momentive started to address this for the Pacific automotive industry through the use of proprietary technology that enabled consolidation of higher thermal conductivities with the flexible physical properties of silicone TIM materials. Not only has this supported freedom of design needs for new applications, it has enhanced the performance reliability of current designs that reach the “break-point” of thermal stress.
This presentation will review the findings of this ten year journey where we have learned the following:
- Multi-form creates more design opportunities (grease, gel, encapsulant, adhesive, gap-filler)
- Durability of complete part across temperature cycles will define success
- Thermal Conductivity and the Stress-Relief relief properties of TIMs need to be considered to ensure long-term performance and reliability of any electronic component.
Through a series of examples that discuss 1) nature of the problem, 2) technology that addressed it, and 3) lesson learned, we intend to provide future designers with a depth of understanding to overcome the Thermal Management hurdles of today and tomorrow.