Title: 2M/MTR Miniature Microminiature/Module Test and Repair; The Navy's 9-‐‑1-‐‑1 for Electronic " "Repair for the Navy of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Author: Richard McConnell, 2M/MTR Program Manager, SEA04
The NAVSEA Miniature/Microminiature Module Test and Repair (2M MTR) Program is a Program of Record maintenance program established to support all Naval Warfare Enterprises and the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) Ground community. Since the 1970s the Navy has relied on 2M trained and certified technicians onboard ships and shore commands to repair circuit card assemblies (CCAs) and electronic modules (EMs). These repairs have reduced system Total Ownership Costs (TOC) and enhanced ship readiness and sustainability. Since then, the Navy's 2M repair capabilities have continuously evolved to support new technology and have expanded in scope to include computer-‐‑ aided test/diagnostic capabilities and piece parts to support repairs.
The NAVSEA 2M MTR Program supports outfitting of commands that performed organizational (0)-‐‑ level, Intermediate (I)-‐‑level and Depot (D)-‐‑level (Naval Shipyards) maintenance. Currently, the Program has responsibility for outfitting and sustaining over 245 ships and shore commands.
Outfitting is performed by the Program's two Engineering Agents: Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Crane Division and Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Detachment Field Engineering Office (FEO) Norfolk. Outfitting includes 2M repair equipment, associated tools, microscopes, Electro Static Discharge (ESD) prevention material and equipment, special purpose test systems, Gold Disk test/diagnostic procedures, 2M repair procedures, repair piece parts and their Allowance Parts Lists, and 2M MTR equipment ILS. The Engineering Agents also provide support to other SYSCOMs, Department of Defense (DoD), U.S. Coast Guard and numerous allied countries.