Title: Supporting Combat Systems In-Service Engineering Through Agile
Authors: Richard Watanabe, James Kong, Robert Ritchey
NAVSEA Port Hueneme provides “Cradle-to-Grave” lifecycle engineering to ensure that combat, weapon, radar, and surface surveillance systems work effectively together. Today’s Navy is much leaner, which means there are limited resources and often limited time to support mission critical Combat Systems when they go down or when they must be modernized/upgraded. The changing threats, Fleet’s operational tempo to support deployments, and constant changes in sponsor direction/requirements has made the In-Service Engineering (ISE) teams supporting the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program more reactive vs being proactive. Additionally, the processes that govern how systems are upgraded and supported are based on a complex and rigid framework, which often hampers the ability to get this work get accomplished when emergent requirements arise. This has caused teams whose main mission to support the fleet, often lose focus of critical tasks due to competing priorities and as a result has had a significant impact on the ability to effectively deliver products to the Fleet customer on time.