1423 Powhatan St., Suite 1
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone (703) 836-6727
Fax (703) 836-7491
Email: asnehq@navalengineers.org

Mega Rust 2012 - Agenda

Tuesday, June 12

0700-0800 Continental Breakfast
(Sponsored by International Marine Industrial Applicators, LLC)

0800-0810 Welcome

0810-0830 Administrative Remarks

0830-0850 Navy Corrosion Executive Remarks
Steve Spadafora, Navy Corrosion Executive

0850-0910 U.S. Fleet Forces Command Remarks
Steve Dungan, U.S. Fleet Forces Command

0910-0930 NAVSEA Remarks
Beau Brinckerhoff, NAVSEA 05P2

0930-0950 Regional Maintenance Centers
Dale Hirschman, Regional Maintenance Centers

0950-1030 Exhibit Hall Grand Opening
(Sponsored by 3M)

1030-1050 NAVFAC

1050-1110 U.S. Marine Corps
Matthew Koch, USMC

1130-1200 Lunch
(Sponsored by ABS)

1200-1315 Fleet Waterfront Perspectives Panel

1315-1400 Dessert/Break
(Sponsored by ABS)


1430-1730 NAVAIR Aviation Track

1430-1730 Marine Corps Track


1500-1520 CCAT
Jim Wigle, NSWC Carderock

1520-1540 SURFMEPP
Mark Prioletti, SURFMEPP

1600-1830 Reception
(Sponsored by SSPC)

Wednesday, June 13

0700-0800 Continental Breakfast
(Sponsored by Industrial Vacuum Equipment Corporation)

0800-0810 Administration Remarks

0810-0850 Keynote Speaker
RADM Thomas J. Eccles, USN; Chief Engineer and Deputy Commander for
Naval Systems Engineering, NAVSEA

0850-0910 SEA21
Steve Melsom, SEA21

0910-0930 Coatings Technical Warrant Holder
Mark Ingle, NAVSEA

0930-1000 Speficiation Cost Reduction
Beau Brinckerhoff, NAVSEA

1000-1030 Break

1030-1200 Flag Officers Panel
Moderator: CAPT Al Cuellar, USN; Southwest Regional Maintenance Center

1200-1330 Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

1330-1500 Concurrent Technical Session 1
Moderator: Stuart Morgan, COMNAVSURFPAC

Submarines (Kevin Klucher, PMS 392T)
Combat Systems (Tim Tenopir, NSWC Port Hueneme)
Naval Aviation (Craig Matzdorf, NAVAIR)
1330-1500 Concurrent Technical Session 2
Moderator: Tony Eng, NSWC Carderock

Development and Implementation of the Department of the Navy (DON) Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) Authorization Process (Chris Harrison, Laura Erickson, SAIC)
The Human Side of Corrosion (Dr. Gary Eiff, NAVAIR 4.6.5 Human Systems Department)
A Rapid and Cost Effective Method for Assessing the Surface Profile of Nonskid Coatings on U.S. Navy Ships (Paul Slebodnick, Diane Lysogorski, John Wegand, Edward Lemieux, Naval Research Laboratory; Bruce N. Nelson, Jay Pleasant, Greg Kepler, Battenkill Technologies, Inc.; James Tagert, Vision Point Systems, Inc)
1330-1700 Paint Center of Excellence

1500-1530 Break

1530-1700 Concurrent Technical Session 3
Moderator: TBD

Corrosion Control Knowledge Sharing Network: Fighting the War on Corrosion from Multiple Fronts (Steve Melsom, Linda Stiles, NAVSEA; Joe Welsh, McKean Defense Group; Ethan Philpot, SAIC)
Ship Corrosion Control Tool Program (Dave Zilber, 3M Government Markets)
NSRP Projects Update (Steve Cogswell, BAE Southeast Shipyards)
1530-1700 Concurrent Technical Session 4
Moderator: TBD

Statistical Analysis of NSWCCD-SSES G1N6 Corrosion Assessments (T.J. McKelvey, NSWCCD; Ryan Buchs, Vision Point Systems)
Cost of QA/QC for Navy Ship Painting (J. Peter Ault, Elzly Technology Corp; Stephen Cogswell, BAE Southeast Shipyards)
Lamb-Wave Ultrasonics Non-Destructive Testing(NDT): An Innovative Support Tool for Navy Life-Cycle and Corrosion Engineering (T. Scott Mattingly, Valkyrie Enterprises LLC; Steve Melsom, NAVSEA)

Thursday, June 14

0700-0800 Continental Breakfast

0800-0930 Concurrent Technical Session 5
Moderator: TBD

SSPC Program Update 2012 (Michael P. Damiano, SSPC)
Peel & Stick Nonskid Program Update (Dave Zilber, 3M Government Markets)
Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Properties of a Commercially Available Superhydrophobic Anticorrosion Coating (Robert Halm, Tri-Star Engineering/NSWC Crane)
0800-0930 Concurrent Technical Session 6
Moderator: TBD

Corrosion Problems of the Middle Caliber Naval Gun 27mm (Johannes Schneider, Bundeswehr Research Institute for Materials, Fuels and Lubricants)
Specialty Gaskets for Corrosion Protection (Matt Panfil, Dave Schmidt, AV-Dec)
Understanding Calcareous Deposits – Formation and Implications (Diane Lysogorski and
Brandice Weathers, Naval Research Laboratory)
0930-1000 Break

1000-1130 Concurrent Technical Session 7
Moderator: TBD

Paint Cartridge Systems – Packaging and Application Concept to Reduce Costs (Markus Scheuber, Sulzer Mixpac AG)
Galvanic, Crevice and Pitting Corrosion Evaluation of Stainless Steels in a Marine Atmosphere (Rich Gianforcaro and J. Peter Ault, Elzly Technology Corporation; David Slocum, McGee Industries, Inc.)
Stress Corrosion Cracking: A Historical Overview and Lessons Learned in the Commercial Nuclear Industry (Bruce A. Young, Paul M. Scott, Lee F. Fredette, Battelle Memorial Institute)
1000-1130 Concurrent Technical Session 8
Moderator: TBD

Reference Cells for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (Jinseong Kim, Anuncia Gonzalez-Martin, Lynntech, Inc.)
On the Proper Testing and Evaluation for Greaseless Bearing Coatings for Application in Submerged Areas Protected with Cathodic Protection (Elizabeth Hogan, Bob Bayles, Naval Research Laboratory; Elena Lucas, Sarah Eppard, Science Applications International Corporation; Jozef Verborgt, Excet)
Conformal Zinc Anode for Sleeve and Shaft Corrosion Prevention (Barry Hindin, Ph.D., Battelle Memorial Institute)
1130-1215 Mega Rust Working Group Tasking

1215-1230 Closing Remarks

1230-1330 Lunch on Your Own

1400-1630 NASSCO Facility Tour
(Due to space limitations, the NASSCO tour is first-come, first-served)